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Legal obligations to tenants

As Teachers’ is a registered provider, there are certain things we must do: our legal obligations to you when it comes to your home, your facilities and our landlord service to you.

We must do these things, so do hold us to account.

  • Make sure your home meets the Decent Homes standards and is fit for human habitaiton
  • Comply with health and safety legislation (for example, your annual gas safety check, regular fire risk assessments, an electrical safety check every 5 years, looking after lifts, water hygiene safety and asbestos).
  • We manage your tenancy in line with your tenancy agreement with us. If you don’t have a copy of your tenancy agreement – just ask and we will happily provide you with a copy.
  • Give you notice of a proposed visist to carry out repairs or maintenance or view the condition of your home.
  • That disabled tenants have a right to reasonable adjustments.

If you feel that we can do better, or perhaps not meeting one of the requirements set out here, please speak to us and we will take immediate steps to put things right for you.


Legal Notice