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Coming soon!

Because we are serious about tenants’ influence over what we do and how we do it, and holding us to account on performance, we are setting up a tenant led group to oversee this activity.

The group will be called the Tenant Influence Committee.

We will soon be communicating widely about this change and be looking for engaged tenants who feel like they can play a valuable role to make sure we hear and listen to tenants’ voices in all that we do here at Teachers’.

The work that this committee does, will link directly to Teachers’ Management Board to ensure the tenant’s voice is heard all the way into the boardroom.

If you are interested to get involved in this Committee, please ring the office or email us on enquiries@teachershousing.org.uk.

The committee will have terms of reference (rules covering who they are, what they do, and how they do it). Members will be appointed by a member of the Teachers’ senior management team and members will be expected to attend all meetings.

We will support members to make the Committee inclusive and accessible so that we can get input and benefit from everyone that is involved.